(import (okvs2))

Rework of SRFI-167.

Change log



Ordered Key-Value Store (OKVS) is a data storage paradigm that can support a multi-model database. An OKVS is an ordered mapping of bytes to bytes. It makes different trade-offs compared to key-value store paradigm to allow to build higher level abstractions more efficiently. An OKVS will keep the key-value pairs sorted by the key lexicographic order. OKVS systems provide different set of features and performance trade-offs. Most of them are shipped as a library without network interfaces, in order to be embedded in another process. Most OKVS support ACID guarantees. Some OKVS are distributed databases. Ordered Key-Value Store found their way into many modern database systems including NewSQL databases.

The procedures from (okvs2) extend the legacy Ordered Key-Value Store interface inherited from Ken Thomson’s DBM, then sleepy cats’ BerkeleyDB, and nowadays LMDB, FoundationDB, and TiKV to make the implementation of efficient extensions easier thanks to the ability to estimate within a range the count of keys, and the count of bytes.


There are several databases that expose an interface similar to (okvs2), and even more that use an Ordered Key-Value Store as their backing storage.

While (okvs2) interface is lower-level than the defacto industry standard for data durability SQL, it also has the advantage of having less moving pieces, and stems from a well-known data-structure, part of every software engineering curriculum, namely binary trees, it makes (okvs2) a good teaching material that has immediate useful applications, including building your own SQL database. Last but not least, (okvs2) pin the current practice of building databases on top of a similar tool.

(okvs2) is used to build many low to high-level data-structures, called extensions, and can support a versatile multi-model database.

Extensions of (okvs2) are counter, bag, set, multi-set and multi-mapping. Higher level extensions include Entity-Attribute-Value possibly supported by datalog, Generic Tuple Store (nstore) inspired from Resource Description Framework that can match the query capabilities of SPARQL, and RDF-star, or the Versioned Generic Tuple Store (vnstore), that ease the implementation of bitemporal databases. Also, it is possible to implement a property graph database, ranked set, leaderboard, priority queue, and full-text search. It is possible to implement efficient geometric queries with the help of xz-ordered curves. Vector database indices such as Hierarchical Navigable Small World are also possible.



(make-okvs filepath)

Return a handle over an ordered key-value store stored at filepath.

(okvs? object)

Returns #true if object is an ordered key-value store object as returned by make-okvs. Otherwise, returns #false.

(okvs-error? okvs object)

Returns #true if object is an error produced by (okvs2). Otherwise, returns #false.

(okvs-in-transaction okvs proc [failure [success]])

Begin a transaction against the database, and execute PROC. PROC is called with first and only argument an object that satisfy okvs-transaction?. In case of error, rollback the transaction and execute FAILURE with the error object as argument. The default value of FAILURE re-raise the error with raise. Otherwise, executes SUCCESS with the returned values of PROC. The default value of SUCCESS is the procedure values.

When the transaction begin, okvs-in-transaction must call the procedures associated with okvs-begin-hook.

Just before the transaction commit, okvs-in-transaction must call the procedures associated with okvs-pre-commit-hook.

Just after the transaction commit is a success, okvs-in-transaction must call the procedures associated with okvs-post-commit-hook.

Just before calling FAILURE, okvs-in-transaction must call the procedures associated with okvs-rollback-hook.

okvs-in-transaction describes the extent of the atomic property, the A in ACID, of changes against the underlying database. A transaction will apply all database operations in PROC or none: all or nothing. When okvs-in-transaction returns successfully, the changes will be visible for future transactions, and implement durability, D in ACID. In case of error, changes will not be visible to other transactions in all cases. Regarding isolation, each transactions do their change as if those were done on separate copy of the database; when a transaction is commited its changes are visible for all future transactions, but not those that are still in progress.

TODO: what about read-write and write-write conflicts? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write%E2%80%93write_conflict

TODO: keep it unspecified?

(okvs-transaction? okvs object)

Returns #true if object is a transaction object produced by call-with-okvs-transaction or call-with-okvs-transaction-read-only.

(okvs-handle? okvs object)

Returns #true if object satisfy one of the following predicate:

(okvs-query transaction key [other [offset [limit]]])

Rationale: (okvs2) dropped okvs-ref, and the (okvs2) range procedures to focus attention of the users on this procedure that has a name that is explicit about the intended use. That has the drawback that there is most of necessarily a dispatch based on the comparison of KEY and OTHER. That is a performance vs. developper experience trade-offs which advantage is making its use more obvious, while reducing the apparent (okvs2) surface while covering the same use-cases.

If only transaction, and key are provided, returns the value associated with key, or #false if key is not paired with an object.

If other is provided, returns a list of all pairs present in the database associated with transaction between key, and other in lexicographic order. If key is smaller than other, the list is produced with keys in ascending order, if key is bigger than other produce the keys are in descending order.

In any case, the biggest bytevector, key or other is excluded from the list.

(okvs-set! transaction key value)

Set, or update the database related to transaction with the association key and value.

The modification is only visible to other transactions when the current transaction returns successfully.

(okvs-remove! transaction key [other])

Clear the database related to transaction with the association, if any, that key is part of. If other is provided, it can be bigger or smaller than key, the database associations are cleared between key, and other. The biggest bytevector is excluded from that operation.

The modification is only visible to other transactions when the current transaction returns successfully.

(okvs-close okvs)

Close the database.


(okvs-empty? okvs)

Returns #true if the database associated with a handle that is empty. Otherwise, returns #false.

(okvs-in-transaction-read-only okvs proc [success [failure]])

(okvs-key-max-size okvs)

Returns the maximum size of a key for the related database.

(okvs-key-value-max-size okvs)

Returns the maximum size of an association of the related database.

(okvs-cursor? okvs object)

Returns #true if object is a cursor object produced by call-with-okvs-cursor.

(okvs-cursor-transaction cursor)

(make-okvs-variable default)

Returns a procedure that is a variable bound during the extent of transactions. Transaction variables protocol is the following:

Calling a transaction variable outside a transaction is an error that satisfy okvs-error?.

(okvs-variable ((okvs-variables objects) ...) body ...)

Binds okvs-variables to thei respective objects while evaluating body.

(okvs-begin-hook okvs)

Returns the SRFI-172 hooks. The begin hook’s procedures are called, when a transaction is started, at the beginning of the transaction, inside the transaction.

(okvs-pre-commit-hook okvs)

Returns the SRFI-172 hooks. The pre-commit hook’s procedures are called within the transaction, at the end of the transaction.

(okvs-post-commit-hook okvs)

Returns the SRFI-172 hooks. The post-commit hook’s procedures are called outside the transaction, after the transaction was commit before a call to the success procedure.

(okvs-rollback-hook okvs)

Returns the SRFI-172 hooks. The rollback hook’s procedures are called outside the transaction, after the transaction was commit before a call to the failure procedure.

(okvs-approximate-key-count transaction [key other])

Returns an approximate count of keys inside the okvs associated with transaction.

(okvs-approximate-byte-count transaction [key other])

Returns an approximate count of bytes inside the okvs associated with transaction.

(call-with-okvs-cursor handle key proc)

(okvs-next cursor)

Try to move cursor to the next pairing. If there is a lexicographically a bigger key in the database, returns #true. Otherwise, returns #false. It means the cursor is at the end of the key space, and okvs-key or okvs-value will return #false.

The cursor is marked as moving forward.

(okvs-previous cursor)

Try to move cursor to the previous pairing. If there is a lexicographically a smaller key in the database, returns #true. Otherwise, returns #false. It means the cursor is at the beginning of the key space, and okvs-key or okvs-value will return #false.

The cursor is marked as moving backward.

(okvs-key cursor)

Returns the key associated with cursor. Returns #false when cursor is at the beginning, or the end of the key space, or when the cursor is not set.

(okvs-value cursor)

Returns the value associated with cursor. Returns #false when cursor is at the beginning, or the end of the key space, or when the cursor is not set.
