There is a new commission, codename: pass tech. You are entitled to the design, test, code, and document this new software. Be ready. The purpose of that software is to share snippets of information across the federation. There is no control, access control, or access control list, the published texts are public.
Your task is easy: create a software that will associate a text string with a unique identifier, and store that for later retrieval.
The first step is to describe the intended behavior with a test, let’s open a mighty code block that will host a few parentheses:
define check-pass-tech-099
(lambda ()
(;; Generate a random text
define text (pass-tech-lorem-ipsum))
(;; Add the text to pass-tech
define uid (pass-tech-add text))
(;; Check that the saved text is really saved, and
;; that it is the same as the one create above
assert (string=? text (pass-tech-ref uid))))) (
Good. There are two procedures that are necessary for this software
and pass-tech-ref
. Looking
through the reference procedure index reveals there is no procedure
called pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
so that needs to be defined
Let’s start with test helper pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
, then
the easiest procedure namely pass-tech-ref
, and finish with
slightly more involved pass-tech-add
For hosting the data, an ordered key-value store is used. It is an
ordered mapping of bytevectors associated with bytevectors. They are
helper procedures called byter-pack
, and
that allow to work with the database without
dealing with bytes. Tho, dwelling on bytes can be helpful, among other
things, to avoid over-specification, hence keeping the software
flexible. That will be illustrated in pass tech. The fact that mapping’s
keys are sorted will not be useful in the current context.
For the current streak, there is a set of strings associated with an identifier. To keep things simple, identifiers will be bytevectors. Hence the data model looks as follow:
Let’s start with pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
. The number of
words is not specified, but my pet came up after while with the number
42, let’s use that. pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
will produce a
string with words taken from the original lorem ipsum text,
where words are placed randomly. No need, this time, to dig the local
public library, a paragraph of lorem ipsum text is copy-pasted
define pass-tech-lorem-ipsum-paragraph "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum malesuada nisi mattis, gravida arcu eget, egestas mi. Duis pretium risus gravida rutrum laoreet. Mauris facilisis nunc sit amet ullamcorper dignissim. In id purus fringilla, tempor magna et, pharetra arcu. Cras finibus faucibus purus, sit amet fringilla massa suscipit efficitur. Donec id neque eu mauris fringilla efficitur. Suspendisse rhoncus neque eget massa bibendum, nec semper eros gravida. Duis semper tortor in enim sagittis pretium. In in justo dui.") (
Next thing is to split that string into words using punctuation and
space as split-points. To keep it simple assume the input string only
has letters from the string pass-tech-letters
define pass-tech-letters "abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") (
What is not a char from that string is considered punctuation, or space hence a split-point. They are several ways to do that, efficient, less efficient… Start with a test to clear your mind with a precise goal:
define check-passtech-000
(lambda ()
(define text "hello, people!")
(define given (pass-tech-text-split text))
(define expected (list "hello" "people"))
(assert (equal? expected given)))) (
In essence, what this procedure does is split a string into words
taking into account the simplistic definition for letters in the string
. They are prolly wholly fully general
approach across unicode codepoints, with support a world wide diversity
of scripts and whatnot… For the time being, let’s ship our immediate
need, define pass-tech-text-split
define pass-tech-text-split
(lambda (string)
(;; Iterate over the string as chars
let loop ((chars (string->list string))
(;; The output is a list of string,
;; using chars as intermediate representation
(out '(())))if (null? chars)
(;; The first item in the output list
;; is a list of chars, convert to string before
;; returning
if (null? (car out))
(cdr out)
(cons (list->string (reverse (car out)))
(cdr out))
(;; Is the next char a split point?
if (member (car chars) pass-tech-letters)
(;; no, add it to the output
cdr chars) (cons
(loop (cons (car chars)
(car out))
(cdr out)))
(;; Yes, it is space or punctuation,
;; create a split point now, if we accumulated
;; any chars
if (null? (car out))
(;; there is already an empty split point
cdr chars) out)
(loop (cdr chars)
(loop (cons* (list)
(list->string (reverse (car out)))
(cdr out))))))))) (
Inside the loop
aka. named let
, there is
two arguments chars
, and out
is the list of character objects that makes the
original string that were not processed yet;out
is the variable holding the output of the function,
it is a list of words; except the first item that rely on an
intermediate representation: a list of chars in reverse order where are
accumulated chars for a word until a split point is met.The code must take care of the fact that a char can be a letter, or split point, and several split point can be met before meeting a new letter; also a word can be a single letter, but not the empty string.
Next, let’s choose 42 times a word from the list produced by
when passed
to construct
define pass-tech-lorem-ipsum-words
(string-downcase pass-tech-lorem-ipsum-paragraph)))
(pass-tech-split (
define pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
(lambda ()
(" "
(string-join lambda _ (random-choice pass-tech-lorem-ipsum-words))
(map (42))))) (iota
That is it. The procedure pass-tech-lorem-ipsum
choose 42 words and join them to build a random lorem ipsum text.
A text in pass tech is identified with a bytevector, and the text is
a string. Retrieving a text is as simple as retrieving the value
associated with the given bytevector identifier with
. The database associate a bytevector to a
bytevector, hence the return value of database-ref
is also
a bytevector, let’s translate it, decode it into its original form, and
expected form a string with byter-unpack
. Long story is in
fact short, define pass-tech-ref
define pass-tech-ref
(lambda (uid)
(call-with-transactionlambda (tx)
( (database-ref uid)))))
The procedure pass-tech-ref
will take an identifier that
is a bytevector uid
, then:
it is important to always think about transactions, even if in this case
trivial because there is only a single database procedure that is
called. The procedure call-with-transaction
describe the
extent of the database operations that are inside the procedure passed
as argument. It makes it possible for the database engine to reason
about ACID guarantees, that we will dive into in follow up sections, so
stay tuned.database-ref
takes a bytevector as
argument that should have been constructed by byter-pack
and returns whatever is encoded in the bytevector, in this case “by
construction” that we will see in the next section, it returns a string.
It is done outside the extent of the transaction because the smallest,
hence the fastest your transaction procedure are the faster the database
will be globally, across concurrent transactions, that is a faster, and
more efficient software.Neat.
Remember the test case generate a random text, and add it to the
database associated with a unique identifier. The latter is very
important an identifier is allocated that is unique and associated with
the text. Let’s generate a random bytevector of 16 bytes and with the
well deserved legacy of engineered luck walk away with the assurance and
no guilt that the identifier is unique. That’s it define
define pass-tech-unique-idenfifier
(lambda ()
(lambda _ (random 256)) (iota 16)))))
(apply bytevector (map (
define pass-tech-add
(lambda (text)
(define uid (pass-tech-unique-identifier))
(call-with-transactionlambda ()
(database-set! uid (byter-pack text)))) uid))
Wrapping up:
generate a
bytevector of 16 bytes, with enough entropy, and a random seed that is
set carefully (!) it should be unique;pass-tech-add
the unique identifier is
generated outside the extent of the transaction, because it is more
efficient, it was explained before that the smaller the transaction
extents the better for application efficiency. That bytevector, dubbed
, is used as the key to store the text;byter-pack
to be cared for, loved, passed,
and published in the next press release.pass tech is coming up nicely, and swiftly. The bulk of the work was to create a test procedure. Most of the complexity related to storage is factored inside the database’s procedures. There is a couple of good to know thing related to databases:
, and
are useful ;A low complexity, is correlated with low coupling, and that is why it is easier to reason about a system.
An example of this is the unique identifier that, in the current
context, is a bytevector, and that makes it easy to pass the identifier
to database-set
. Another bigger example, and that is the
topic of this series of tutorials is the database with, the scifi buzz
hype ordered mapping of bytevectors. Mappings are pervasive in mordern
software engineering, granted, they are sometime overkill, but in the
case of data management, and data storage they are the gist of the
topic: simple, and enough complex to be a minimal abstraction.