Hello, Ni Hao, Konnichiwa, Hallo, Salam, Azul, Salut


okvs - 4 - revised okvs interface

2025-01-19: Rework of SRFI-167

dx - 2 - configuration neovim par un faigneant

2025-01-18: Comment j’ai configurĂ© neovim pour devenir mon Ă©diteur, et comment je l’utilise au quotidien.

Le Store de Tuples Génériques

2024-10-13: Le Store de Tuples Génériques privilégie une interface simple et efficace.

les moteurs de recherche précis ou flou

2024-09-30: Un moteur de recherche peut ĂȘtre prĂ©cis ou flou. Quelle est la diffĂ©rence ?

letloop - 8 - chez scheme distribution with many goodies

2024-08-03: Announcing letloop v8

okvs - 3 - pass tech

2024-03-28: Simple example project using an ordered key-value store to build a pastebin-like application.

nn - 2 - hint graph improvement

2024-01-07: Given a finite set of objects pool, and an object query. Look within approximately t time, at most n objects subset of pool that are near query according to the metric m, call that subset candidates.

nn - 1 - exact brute force rank

2023-11-13: Given a finite set of objects pool, and an object query. Look within approximately t time, at most n objects subset of pool that are near query according to the metric m, call that subset candidates.

Racket’s Chez merged into Cisco’s Chez

2023-10-21: A very well come merge of Racket’s Chez into Cisco brings many interesting features.

seed - 0 - freedom of expression, and the spirit of John Shutt’s Kernel

2023-10-13: If you find Scheme boring, without creativity, and dare challenge without fear the gentle, hot and firm burn of minimalism^W barely understood devices
 Even if those are readily made source available by your favorite brute force army. There is a parenthetical take as known as Kernel, and Futamura. Read on.

okvs - 2 - revised okvs interface, alpha release

2023-10-06: Rework of SRFI-167.

letloop - 7 - break, the loop

2023-09-30: letloop is a Chez Scheme distribution with many goodies packed in.

petit-cloud - 4 - f(r)u(c)ture

2023-09-21: petit-cloud is a single-human sized generation x’s iteration on Earth’s knowledge sharing system; little did you know generation y is zooming into the future.

petit-cloud - 3 - be strong hold

2023-09-21: petit-cloud application server release, be str43ng hold.

2023-09-19: Given a finite set of objects pool, and an object query. Look within approximately t time, at most n objects subset of pool that are near query according to the metric m, call that subset candidates.

okvs - 1 - prologue

2023-09-16: A better database paradigm is the enemy of good, a perfect database is the enemy of better; on-the-fly mainstreaming commons legacy is future-proof operative.

okvs - 0 - natural query

2023-09-16: Ordered Key-Value Store has a small user interface that give us a good good reason to have another look at processing, memory, permanence, and pointer swizzling.

dx - 1 - code crafting codex

2023-09-16: Get lost in code development experience.

dx - 0 - cheatsheet on discourse

2023-09-16: Before you speak, let your words pass through tree gates.

letloop v6

2023-07-04: letloop is command line tool for Chez Scheme with (eventually) all the goodies packed in.

Petit Cloud - 2 - Kernel

2023-04-19: We jumped into an adventure to build the simplest way possible to deploy a Scheme web application. In the previous article, we identified two procedures. Today we will dive into the kernel.

Petit Cloud - 1 - Kickstart

2023-04-13: In the previous article, we set our goal to deploy a program in one hip command line hop, let’s kickstart the code with an outline of the application server.

Petit Cloud - 0 - Specification

2023-04-13: You may remember the days of html, dynamic or not, php3, funny, and funky under construction 🚧 Ah!
 While the visual aesthetic may remain in the past, the ease, and simplicity to create, show, and tell used to be simpler, easier, and more fun. Petit Cloud is a demonstration that the 90s, early 00s workflow can be implemented for fun with our favorite material.

Cross-compiling Racket’s Chez

2023-04-12: Racket team lead by Matthew Flatt did an awesome work on Chez Scheme such as aarch64 support, that means you can use Chez on Raspberry Pi 400. Problem is Raspberry Pi 400 is very slow, hence it is better to compile things on another machine.
